"Forget Prince Charming. I'll take the wolf." - Emily the Strange

Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Wandering Eye

Yesterday morning when I got to the office, I had that little feeling of excitement in anticipation of receiving another e-mail from Martin. I was quite surprised to find none in my Inbox. I figured that he must’ve been angry or quite embarrassed about my response on his last e-mail.

What did I write? Well, my line of work involves teaching (well, sort of) English and I’m very keen when it comes to grammar and especially spelling. Let’s just say that half of the content of my e-mail had grammar lessons ;p

He was also asking me a question about him. If Cathy’s right about him being a politician through and through, then I made up my mind about playing the role of a diplomat. After all, that’s what I went to college for. I gave him a ‘Yes,’ ‘No,’ ‘Maybe’ and topped it off with one of the favorite answers of diplomats to a given question ‘I neither confirm nor deny.’

I shrugged the whole thing off and went about my business. Throughout the course of the day, I was again shamelessly flirting with a couple of people – a cute Chinese guy named Carl on Tickle, a Middle-Eastern lad (I call him lad because he’s younger than me by 2 years) on sms.ac and my dear old fuck buddy Jon on YM (Yahoo Messenger).

There was an info I needed from my office e-mail so I went to my Outlook. Lo and behold - a short note from Martin saying that today's THE DAY! It's the 25th anniversary of the engineer-chamber (Ingenieurkammer) that he's working for and that they're having a big party. He says that he's stressed but that he'll be sending pictures about the whole thing. Yeah sure, whatever.

I also gave him a quick reply - I'll be having fun myself by today as we're all heading off to Redbox in Greenbelt as soon as we get our paychecks by this afternoon. I'm not sure about which Martin I'm communicating with - the politician or the true self so I'll be playing this one like chess.

It was kinda funny ‘talking’ to Jon. He kept on apologizing for being out of reach for the past couple of months. He’s shit scared of his girlfriend finding out about me that he deleted my number in his cellphone. He spend a couple of minutes trying to impress me by attempting to recall my number from his memory. Alas, he failed! Miserably, I might add. He only got 3 numbers right and it’s not even in the correct sequence.

At first he was updating me on what’s happened to him – he’s flunked a couple of subjects on med school and that resulted into him taking those subjects again this semester. He adds that he only goes to school once a week because of this. Poor kid! Note, I have absolutely nothing to do with his flunking his subjects at med school!

He then turned the tables on me by bugging me about giving him new pictures that I have of myself. I just didn’t mind him as I was in panic mode at that particular time. My last post about finding one’s inner Smurf made my blog template go whack. I was trying to delete the damn posting when the browser went out of whack as well. Good thing I was able to delete it the whole thing before it caused further damage.

I never really got back to Jon because soon after I finished fixing whatever needs fixing, my co-worker Alan announced that he’d be going home. It’s about quarter to nine at that point and I needed to get my ass home as well so I sent him a ‘gtg’ message and immediately proceeded to turning off my computer.

Looks like I’m back to my old self!

Update: A new guy came along - Jom. My cellphone roused me from my slumber around 1 in the morning when he sent a message to my page asking me if I could add his as a friend. I looked him up this morning and he's quite cute ;p


Blogger Arashi-KIshu said...

changed my blog url to arashi-kishu-world.blogspot.com

6:48 PM


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