This whole Martin business has gotten me ‘kilig’ to the highest level and freaked out like hell at the same time. I’m currently thriving on the rush it gives me and my co-workers’ teasing bolsters it even further. The newness of it all is just so overwhelming that my mind feels like it’s been on vacation 100,000 miles away for the last couple of days.
Now, I really don’t want to expect anything because I just don’t want to be disappointed. The big but is that I’ve noticed that I’m usually kind of like Charlotte York when she meets someone special – she puts all her eggs in one basket until she drops the basket when she realizes that he just doesn’t fit or the other way around.
I am so unsure of everything that I’m starting to listen to my chicken little. I remember Martin’s comments about the typical German – you talk to him and he tells you something but you can’t tell what’s really on his mind. Is he like that? He’s said a couple of times that Thom’s very un-German in that way so by deductive reasoning makes him a diplomat – someone who tells a half-truth and a lie.
Thom and Cathy has suspected that Bianca (Thom and Martin’s co-worker) has a thing for Martin because she kept asking him out for breakfast, lunch or dinner meetings. Bianca, according to Cathy, is not hot in terms of physical appearance but that her being a trust fund baby certainly makes it up for all that she lacks. Her mother’s family is one of the richest people in the country, mom holds a very important position in the economic sector, daddy’s a well known media practitioner turned congressman.
I tell Cathy that I really don’t care about her since I got to Martin first. Well, in a way at least. She warns me to tread carefully because she has a, let’s just say, a small hint of suspicion on Martin’s character. That just fed my paranoia and I’m going bonkers thinking about it.
Luckily, I have my Tarot cards with me. I did three readings on myself about things that are starting to bug me. First question, the possibility of going somewhere with him. The answer’s a Yes with three upright cards – 5 of Wands, The High Priestess and 9 of Cups. The second question would be if I should consider Bianca as a threat – 66.67% Yes with 1 upside down card and 2 upright cards (King of Wands, 4 of Cups and 9 of Pentacles). Question number three – issues that I may have with Martin – Ace of Cups (Issue), The World and Knight of Swords (Inner and Outer Influences), 8 of Swords (Advise) and The Tower for Possible Outcome.
How do I interpret reading number three? When I am overwhelmed by emotions, I tend to be in this self-contained bubble (the woman inside the huge wreathe) and I often rush into things without really thinking things through (the dynamic pose of the character and a good portion of the knight’s blade being hidden). The advice the collective unconscious is giving me is to stand still and anchor myself with my intellect (as represented by the swords), put a blindfold so that I may not be blinded by what I see with my eyes since looks can be deceiving. The outcome? Be ready for anything because even though I’m going to be in Cloud 9 for quite some time I will surely crash back to earth. Another interpretation would be for me to just fall and let go of old fears, old hurts from previous relationships that didn’t end up with a ‘happily ever after.’
By now, I’m starting to hear in my head the story that Thom told Cathy about his 2-month trek to reach the Alps..... More Than Like
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