"Forget Prince Charming. I'll take the wolf." - Emily the Strange

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Anatomy of the Female Brain

Gone out with Gilbert twice and everything's going swimmingly well. We've been shamelessly flirting through text since the time we met and I always let him make the first move in everything. I found myself liking him a lot to the point that I am starting to let down my guard when everything just stopped all of a sudden. I haven't heard from him in the last 24 hours which is quite unusual. He'd always text me once he's in the office to let me know what's going on. I sent him 3 text messages but I didn't get any reply. By the time my lunch break came, I found myself obssessing about his silence.

The only time I obssess about someone is if I really like that person. I'd like to believe that he has a valid reason for staying so quiet but at the same time, a million negative thoughts rush through my head faster than mach 12. What if he lost his phone? What if he really has a girlfriend - or a fiance at that? What if he's in an accident? Blah, blah, blah...

Talked to my girlfriends and they all came to the same conclusion - he's just that not into me. To say that I was in disbelief is an understatement. My mind's going through all the times that we've been together, the times that he texts me to see if I'm doing alright or if he just wanted to give me a kiss (through text). I didn't seem to find any indication that things will end up this way. He was sweet, charming and very refined compared to most guys I've dated.

I'm fine moving on to the next guy but what really pisses me off would be my brain focusing on the possibilities of us in a relationship. Our status is undefined right now and I was thinking that maybe I should've asked him where we're really headed. Maybe it the way the female brain is programmed - thinking way too far ahead and making assumptions from what little evidence we may have at hand.

My phone rings - it's Gilbert. He's called to apologize for not being able to reply to my text messages. His mom always borrows his phone when she goes to their neighborhood association's meetings. Last night, she used it as usual but Gilbert was already asleep by the time she got back to the house. I know that Gilbert's always in a rush during the morning - from the time he wakes up until he gets to the office. It was only in his office that he found out his phone ran out of battery. To make matters worse, he had to go to a trade fair somewhere in the metropolis and unfortunately, they don't have any electrical outlets.

Now, my world's okay again. I'd have to carefully disect his explanation though because I've been to trade fairs myself several times to know that there is always at least one electrical outlet assigned to each booth. On the other hand, he sounded very tired and very sincere when he apologized. No use letting him beat himself up for the slip-up so I lied and told him that it's not his fault, that the circumstances were beyond his control. At the back of my mind though, it served as a warning for me to not let my guard down completely.

I believe that the human race is essentially good but when it comes to matters of the heart, I don't abide by that belief system anymore after having my heart broken by the one person that I trusted the most - and he happened to be one of my closest friends.


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1:16 AM


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